
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hi from Illinois!

Olga and I had a pretty uneventful day.  She helped me make some calls to my OB and RE today, but we didn't get any answers about the HSG.   Hopefully her ovary luck will come back tomorrow!

Olga also met the other furry thing in the house- Toto.  Olga said she's fine with Toto as long as he stays back there on that dog bed and doesn't try to eat her!

We are off to bed!  We'll watch the Olympics tomorrow and go shopping for some treats for Katib!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Olga arrives at Jschwind's house!

Olga arrived today!  Woot!  Thanks so much to Pulga for the treats and lucky socks!  Olga is pretty happy to be out of the box, but she has some concerns...

Little does she know, there's another furry thing roaming around here somewhere...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!

Spencer officially thinks that Olga is a toy, so I will protect her!

Olga is standing up for herself pretty well, so I think they'll be getting along just fine before long!  Olga has had a long day of traveling, so we're off to bed.  Olga promised to help me make some calls to my RE, OB and insurance company tomorrow to try to figure out the big debate between the HSG and IUI.  I know Olga will take care of things!
On her last day here, Olga and I worked out on the elliptical.  She worked out so much she is now invisible (or so she thinks...she made me take the picture this way so that you would think she lost a ton of weight). Silly Olga.

We had fun together, even though she got cabin fever.  Olga is now on her way to Jschwind. I hope you can show her a better time and can take her lots of places.
My husband had to give me shots for my bone marrow to produce more neutrophils.  Olga thought it would be funny to sing the "shots" song from lil jon.  And she tried to stab me with the needles herself. My husband had to fight her for them. Bad Olga!

Next Olga and I went to the Starbucks drive through. I was in serious need of caffeine and was out of everything (and couldn't go to the grocery store because I was not allowed out in public). Thank goodness for Starbucks drive throughs and for the gift card Olga came with.  She enjoyed that trip, though she thought she should get the goodies; not me. 

As soon as Olga arrived we headed out to Walgreens to pick up nausea meds for the weekend.  We had to go through the drive through since I can't be out in public.  Olga was a little disappointed that we only came back with nausea meds.  She was hoping for some "good stuff".  I think she has a drug problem!

Olga arrives in TN! She was very anxious to get out of the box. Thank you BP for the cute socks and starbucks gift card! Unfortunately, my gyn/oncologist put me in quarantine the same day Olga arrived so she didn't get to go too many places.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kickin' it in Arizona

Hi! I'm brookelynpaisley, and Olga recently came to visit me in the 'burbs of Phoenix, Arizona. hmz sent her to me, and hasn't had a chance to blog yet because of a family illness, so I apologize for going out of order. hmz will fill us all in on Olga's visit just as soon as she can.

I am the proud owner of a plush sperm named Spencer, and he has some attitude. He wasn't as excited for Olga's visit as I was.

Ha, lazy contest. Olga's pretty funny. Sorry, Spence.

Lately, I've gotten into doing Zumba, and Olga was excited to try it out. She didn't do so well, since I think that tube puts her off balance, but she seemed to have fun anyway.

(This post brought to you by Nike)

Spencer wasn't super pleased to have to share my underwear drawer (where would YOU keep reproductive organ/cell plushes?). They kinda fought a lot. I definitely heard some tube and tail bitch slapping coming from the dresser at night. But then, Spencer got into the wine and something changed. He got a little tipsy and seemed to develop some feelings for Olga.

So now they're buds, and Spencer will miss his guurrrlfriend terribly. He's all mopey and doesn't even have the will to joke anymore.

It was an epic post office visit, for sure.

Olga's off to visit Pulga and then she'll be on to see jschwind and then things will be back on track. It wouldn't be a 3T thing if there weren't changes to the plan :) Thanks for visiting, Olga!